7 Things You Didn’t Know about Losing Weight for Teens

4- May Harm the Body Because of Improper or Inappropriate Workout Routines
Aside from eating improperly or the possibility of taking weight loss supplements and medications, teens who are obsessed about losing weight may also expose themselves with improper or inappropriate workout routines. Exercise is good for everybody right? So, how is this going to affect the teens? While it is true that exercising is good for the body, it must also be noted that excessive exercising or working out can damage the muscles and the bones instead of actually enhancing them. For teens, there are appropriate workouts or exercises that will help them lose weight. However, they must not expect results fast as intentional weight loss must be gradual, especially since their body is still growing and developing.
5- Risk of Stunting Growth or Subsequent Regaining of Weight
As a result of unbalanced eating, improper exercise, or weight loss obsessions, teens may just subject themselves to underdevelopment. Obsessing about weight loss may just contribute to stunting their growth and development as well as the occurrence of weight re-gaining. When you are blindly following various weight loss methods, your body will not be able to process what you eat well. In essence, you may be consuming less of the nutrients that it needs to develop and grow properly. Teens may even be exposing themselves to weight re-gaining instead of permanently losing their excess weight.