9 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Easily

  1. Grapefruit

Another food that can help you lose weight is the grapefruit. This is especially advisable if you are trying to lose weight AND you have diabetes. Some researchers from the San Diego Scripps Clinic has found out that obese people who are eating half of a grapefruit before their meal have lost about three and a half pounds in the course of 12 weeks. If you are not the type to eat grapefruits, drinking pure grapefruit juice will also do the trick.
However, you have to take note that grapefruit or its juice does not have any fat-burning capabilities; it only makes you feel full. In addition, you may not eat or drink grapefruit juice if you are taking certain medications as it may be contraindicated.

  1. Green Tea

If you love having afternoon snacks, try replacing your other juices with green tea. There are studies showing that people who consume green tea daily for three whole months are able to lose more body fats compared to others who are only drinking Oolong teas.