9 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Easily

Like there are certain exercise routines that can make you lose weight, there are also certain foods that can aid you in shedding off those stubborn pounds away. However, there are also these foods that are thought to increase your weight, but they can actually help you lose it, too as long as you eat them appropriately. Here are nine foods that can help you in losing weight.

  1. Cake

This might not be that diet food that you are thinking of. However, cake can actually help you in your weight loss journey. There was a study released from Tel Aviv University claiming that those people who have had protein and carbohydrate packed breakfast and then followed by a dessert lost more weight compared to those who took a low carbohydrate and sugar free breakfast. In addition, the participants who were able to indulge in small treats such as a piece of cake, cookie, doughnut, and chocolate reported that they felt less hungry and had fewer cravings for the whole day. This trial lasted for about 8 months and these people reportedly lost an average of about 45 pounds while the low carb and sugar free dieters only lost 11.