10 Weight Loss Tips That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Chugging Down Diet Soda is Not as Helpful as You Think

So, they said, ordinary sodas can make you fat while diet ones can help you not gain extra weight? Wrong! A study in the University of Texas Health Science Center has discovered that diet sodas can contribute to your weight gain. If you gulp two or more glasses of diet soda a day, your poor waistline can increase up to 500%! Scary, right? They further explained that the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can actually disturb the naturally ability of the body to manage caloric intake based on food sweetness. This means that if you regularly take foods with artificial sweeteners, you are most likely to eat more.

  1. Plate Your Food Away

When you are eating, it will be helpful if you place your food source away from you. If you keep your food within you reach or within eyesight, you may easily reach for another serving even if you are not that hungry. You can leave your food on the stove or place it on the kitchen counter. Just portion out a small serving on your plate and eat on the table. In this setup, if you will need extra servings, you will have to get up. This will help you in being mindful of the amount that you are eating.