10 Weight Loss Tips That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Eat Slowly Whenever You Can

You thought that your eating pace has nothing to do with your weight loss goal? Well, that is very wrong. Those who eat faster tend to go heavier when compared to slow eaters. Your stomach will take about 20 minutes to communicate to your brain that you have already enough. Just take it slow, chew slowly (about 10 times would be enough), and relax so your satiety levels will be turned on. Avoid rushing when eating.

  1. Use Chopsticks When Eating

This will go hand in hand with eating slowly. Instead of using the usual fork and spoon, try using chopsticks. Using chopsticks when eating will need a bit of your attention when picking the food in your plate. You will also be able to pick smaller portions so eating will definitely be slower. This will train you to slow down and when you are eating slowly, you will feel fuller faster – plus, you will be able to practice your fine motor skills along the way.